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Monday, September 12, 2011
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
General Standard to be followed in Web form development
General Standard to be followed in Web form development
On Initial Form LOAD
All data entry controls should be disabled.
Buttons New, Edit, Delete, Cancel should be enabled based on control permission set for that user.
If there are no records initially, then New & Cancel alone should be enabled.
If some records exists, display the records in list box in "ASCENDING" order.
Display the first record details.
The first record should be Highlighted in the grid.
On clicking NEW
All data entry controls should be enabled without any text.
Save and Cancel should be enabled. – i.e., ButtonHandler(0, 0, 1, 0, 1)
But date controls can have current date within it.
Cursor should be focused at the first entry text box.
Session(“CurrentMode”) to be set to “NEW”
Control permissions are not called.
On clicking EDIT
Save and Cancel should be enabled. – i.e., ButtonHandler(0, 0, 1, 0, 1)
All data entry controls should be enabled with the corresponding data in it.
Cursor should be focused at the first entry text box.
Session(“CurrentMode”) to be set to “EDIT”
Control permissions are not called.
On clicking SAVE
Validate all Mandatory fields - Client and Server .
All the text fields should be trimmed before saving.
Save should be disabled and all other buttons should be enabled based on control permissions.
All data entry controls should be disabled.
Refresh the List box data with the newly entered data.
The screen should go to its initial state.
After Save that Session(“CurrentMode”) should be change as Nothing.
Details of saved record should be displayed and highlighted in the grid.
On clicking Delete
First check whether the record can be deleted or not.
If the record can be deleted then ask for confirmation and continue.
If not, quit the delete process.
If multi selection is done, delete based on the selected checkbox in the grid.
If multi selection is not done, then delete the item that is displayed.
If multi selection is done and delete is clicked, delete all records which can be deleted, and display the records which cannot be deleted.
On clicking CANCEL
The screen should go to its initial state.
General Validations
1. After completing each process refresh the screen.
While handling user log permission check any other coding doesn’t affect it.
All POP-UPs should also follow the same procedure given.
Mandatory fields are needed. Explanation about * in each form is not necessary.
Tab order should be Maintained.
For numeric fields, get input in right align and display it in right align.
In error msg, only the Reserve words should have the first letter in caps.
The first input strip should start in white color.
The control background color should match the strip color.
All date/time fields should be selected by using calendar control.
Date/Time text box should be locked
Current Date/Time values should be taken from Application Server.
13. All checking's must be with only with the server date.
14. Use Required Field Validator to validate mandatory fields.
15. Use Regular Expression Validator to validate the content of the control.
Validation for integer field, date fields, and alpha numeric fields should be done with common class codes.
Special characters with "Enter KEY" Accept.
Single Quote validation should be done all controls.
Properties of form controls and corresponding database field should match. Ex: maxlength, numeric or text.
Styles for each control should be used from CSS.
Standard error messages should be used.
Code comments should be written for conditions, queries, functions
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Vb.Net code for Mail sending!
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.Security
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Web.UI.HtmlControls
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts
Imports System.Xml.Linq
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Mail
Public Class Email
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Shared Sub sendMail(ByVal [to] As String, ByVal from As String, ByVal subject As String, ByVal body As String)
Dim client As New SmtpClient("smtp_clntname", portnumber)
client.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("userid", "passwrd")
client.EnableSsl = True
''mail details
Dim msg As New MailMessage()
msg.From = New MailAddress(from)
' msg.SubjectEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
msg.Subject = subject
msg.IsBodyHtml = True
msg.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8
msg.Body = body
msg.Priority = MailPriority.Normal
Catch exp As Exception
''''This runs the backup plan
SendMailAlt([to], from, subject, body)
End Try
End Sub
Private Shared Sub SendMailAlt(ByVal [to] As String, ByVal from As String, ByVal subject As String, ByVal body As String)
Dim Mail As New System.Web.Mail.MailMessage()
Mail.Fields("") = ("smtpname")
Mail.Fields("") = 2 //2 shows without authendication
Mail.Fields("") = "portnumber" //ex:25
Mail.Fields("") = "true"
Mail.Fields("") = 1
' Edit username & password
Mail.Fields("") = "uid"
Mail.Fields("") = "pwd"
Mail.[To] = [to]
Mail.From = from
Mail.Cc = "mailid"
Mail.Subject = subject
Mail.Body = body
Mail.BodyFormat = System.Web.Mail.MailFormat.Html
System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "smtpnam"
End Sub
End Class
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Panamera, the sports sedan from Porsche

Porsche has introduced 'row 2' to one of the supreme shows in auto world. The Porsche Panamera, one of the most awaited models in performance motoring history, has finally arrived in India. The Panamera is available in three variants - Panamera S will be priced at Rs 14,174,000, Panamera 4S at Rs 14,711,000 and Panamera Turbo at Rs. 20,184,000.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
India among top 5 deal makers in Asia-Pac
India along with Japan and China is among the top five countries in the Asia-Pacific region with the highest number of merger and acquisition deals in the first three months of this year, even as the economic downturn has impacted the overall MandA activity in the region.
Overall, the mergers and acquisition (MandA) activity in Asia Pacific region dropped nearly 30 per cent to USD 160 billion in the first quarter of 2009 as against USD 223.21 billion in the same period a year-ago, as per data compiled by global deal tracking firm Zephyr.
India is among the top five countries in the region in terms of the number of MandA activities in the first three months of 2009 with 331 deals, even as the deals saw a 72 per cent decline from the same period a year-ago.
The country had witnessed 571 deals in the first quarter of last year, while they had been as low as 176 in the fourth quarter of 2008, the report revealed.
Japan is at the top with as many as 904 MandA deals in the first quarter of 2009, followed by Australia (636), Republic of Korea (620), China (611) and India with 331 deals, the Zephyr quarterly MandA report published by BvDep pointed out.
However, in terms of the value of the deals India is at the 8th place with deals worth USD 6.85 billion in the reviewed period.
In value terms, Australia has emerged at the top with MandA deals worth USD 35.06 billion, followed by Japan (USD 33 billion), Korea (USD 24.3 billion) and China (USD 22.9 billion).
"The first quarter of 2009 brought declines in both volume and value for Asia Pacific, showing the region has not been immune to the global economic downturn, " the report stated.
The number of deals in the region has fallen 24 per cent to 3,952 from 5,194 deals in the first three months of 2008.
Further, metal mining industry topped the table this quarter with Aluminium Corporation of China's pending purchase of USD 7,200 million worth of convertible bonds in Australian Rio Tinto.
Interestingly, all the top ten deals in the first quarter were worth over USD 2,000 million with seven being minority stakes and three being acquisitions.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Time would publish the final list later in the year. But in a continuing online poll on Time's website, the list of 203 finalists is currently headed by 'moot', the founder of, a website for posting images and discussions anonymously. Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the US, is ranked 13th.
Gandhi, who is leading the ruling Congress party's bid for re-election in the parliamentary polls, is ranked 43 - ahead of Tata (102), the maker of the world's cheapest car Nano, and Ambani (169), who the publication referred to as 'petrol prince'.
The other three Indians in the finalists' list are Pepsico chief executive Indra Nooyi, public face for Washington's Troubled Asset Relief Programme Neel Kashkari, and Harvard-educated management consultant Ram Charan.
Screwvala is currently top-ranked among Indians at 33rd overall place, Nooyi is at 89, Kashkari 187 and Charan 193.
'Slumdog Millionaire' fame British filmmaker Danny Boyle, who hit the headlines with the Oscar-winning movie shot in Mumbai's slums, is also among the finalists.
On Gandhi, 62, who has figured on Time's 100 Most Influential People list twice before, the publication said that the 'the Italian-born head of India's most influential political party is beloved by her constituents, not only because of her family history (she entered politics after her husband Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated) but also because of her efforts to combat poverty'.
However, in a negative for her, the Congress party president 'has been bogged down by a public spat with one of her rivals,' it said, without specifying who the rival is.
Among the Indians, Ratan Tata, who has been on Time's annual list once before, has been described as having 'introduced the Tata Nano,the world's first $2,500 car. Set for release in India this spring, the 'people's car' could be a boon for low-income communities'.
On the negative side, Nano's low price could make the car too accessible, flooding streets with even more CO2-spouting vehicles, Time said.
Naming 51-year old Mukesh Ambani as the 'petrol prince', Time said the billionaire chairman of Reliance Industries steers one of the biggest conglomerates in India, with interests in not only oil, but also clothing and kitchenware.
However, he is still mired in a public spat with his billionaire brother, Time said, while advising him to 'duke it out using pillows stuffed with $1,000 bills'.
About PepsiCo CEO Nooyi, who has twice made to its annual list, Time said that as head of one of the world's most far-reaching food conglomerates, 'she has pledged to steer the US away from junk food and toward healthy eating...(however) profits took a hit last year. And while healthful snacking is nice and all, there ain't nothing wrong with Funyons'.
Mumbai-based UTV Group CEO Screwvala 'is hoping to export his Bollywood know-how to the US, partnering with such companies as Fox Searchlight and Will Smith's Overbrook Entertainment,' the magazine said.